The Founding of the International Shaolin Xinyiba Federation

Master Hu Zhengsheng and his disciples founded the ISXF in order to provide a platform of international exchange and support between all members of his Shaolin Xinyiba practitioners community. The federation is based in Switzerland and was founded in 2017 with Mr. Hu as Chairman, and Joël Achermann as Secretary-General.

The federation currently has around nearly members, including several schools in Europe and in the USA.

Federation Membership

Membership, albeit free, is granted in priority to direct disciples of master Hu. Serious students of master Hu’s disciples may apply for membership as well, and will be considered on a case by case basis

Upholding the traditional Shaolin Heritage internationally

The federation is a non-profit organization and partly relies on internal funding for its events. Competitions, seminars, retreats may be hosted by individual schools in the name of the federation, if approved by the chairman or vice-president. The federation is organized in a way that each country may have one official representative but an unlimited amount members.

Current members are as follows:


Hu Zhengsheng

Secretary general:

Joël Achermann (CH)


Bart Biermasz (NL)

Bert Wallis (UK)

Nao Kawashima (JP)

Zhang Zhen (USA)

Thomas Jolet (BE)

Jonas Färber (DE)

Zunaid Mamdoo (SA)

Tomas Lapinskas (LT)

Philip Wickens (NZ)


Doug Swift (UK)

Matthias Frolik (AT)

Danny Derks (NL)

Junhong Chon (USA)

Chen Li (NL)

Nicole Sligar (USA)

Zbynek Kraft (CZ)

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