Our Kung Fu classes

Authentic martial arts courses at our school in China

The traditional class (with Hu Zhengsheng and Yang Xinhui)

Our traditional class is led by Yang Xinhui (AKA Tyson), and is supervised by Hu Zhengsheng himself on an almost day-to-day basis. Students in this group are generally 50% foreign disciples, and 50% Chinese students who have proven good character and excellent training morale.

The usual schedule of our traditional class can be found here.

Duration: February-December


Jibengong (classical kung fu skills including strikes, kicks, jumps, etc)

Tineng (intense conditioning training for explosive strength, stamina, agility)

Gongfa (traditional skill-building methods)

Taolu, armed and unarmed (all classical Shaolin forms such as Xiao Hong Quan, Da Hong Quan, Mei Hua Quan, Luohan Quan, etc.)

Duilian (partner work including partner forms, armed and unarmed, partner exercises, basic combat techniques)

Yongfa (form application knowledge)

Shizhan (free combat)

Yangsheng (health-preserving skills)

Qigong (breathing methods)

The combat class (with Jiangtao)

Our MMA group practices elements of Sanda, Thai boxing, BJJ under the supervision of master Jiangtao, an ex-wrestler from Heilongjiang province who has competed in the Chinese MMA scene. The training incorporates certain traditional elements and is extremely rigorous.

Click here to see a video of our combat class at work.

Duration: February-December



Thai boxing



Stamina training

Padwork and Punching bag work

Various intensities of sparring

The Yangsheng / health class (with Hu Zhengsheng)

This course only takes place for 2 weeks each summer. It is dedicated to a set of 9 powerful healing practices.

Duration: 1. August-16. August


Traditional Shaolin Gongfa’s

Ziran Gong (Natural Health Skill)



The modern Wushu class (with Qiu Jintao)

People who would like to learn acrobatics and more athletic types of performance Kung Fu such as the popular animal styles seen in demonstrations, can join Qiu Jintao’s class (advanced) or Zhang Dongchen’s group (beginners to medium)

Duration: February-December



Basic Kung Fu kicks and drills

Basic and advanced acrobatics

Modern Wushu Forms (with and without weapons)

the perfect balance

Traditional gongfa

Our traditional training focuses on skill-building methods. Drills, stances, and movements passed down for many generations, which have a strong effect on the body and the mind.

Taolu (forms)

Forms serve as frames in which we get to practice our skills and express the principles of Shaolin Kung Fu. They make up an important part of our solo training.

Combat / Application

Our traditional Kung Fu teachers don’t neglect the functional aspects of practice, and will teach you how to use the principles in real life situations. We also recommend that students complete their training with a daily class with the MMA group.

Weapon training

Weapon training, which also incorporates its own sets of Gongfa’s, Taolus, and partner work, is an additional practice which has many benefits of its own.

Prove you were here

Receive a certificate

We provide custom certificates to all students who ask for one. Certificates may be of notable help if you plan on opening your own school, or need to prove the training you’ve undergone for some other reasons.

  • Chinese students receive certificates recognized by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA)

  • Foreign students receive bi-lingual certificates (English+Chinese)

  • Certificates can be customized to provide all in-depth informations about the courses a student took.